There are a number of significant differences between JFB MFR and other types of bodywork and traditional therapies. John Barnes method is a whole body technique that engages the fascia and follows what the body needs. Other forms of bodywork and therapies follow protocols and can be called “cookbook techniques” Many only treat symptoms, try to segment the body, and ignore the power of the consciousness. JFB MFR therapists are able to tune into what the individual needs by going to the barrier of the restriction and waiting for the release to occur. Engaging the barrier and allowing the release to occur is a key difference between JFBMFR and other forms of bodywork.
Neither traditional nor alternative therapies hold at the barrier for sufficient time and therefore release only the elastic and muscular component of the myofascial complex. This is why these forms of therapy provide only temporary results. The JBM MFR approach releases the collagenous aspect of the myofascial complex, bringing about lasting results. The restriction needs to be held at the barrier for at least 3- 5 minutes to allow the collagen to lengthen.
To illustrate this point, I like to compare two ways of stretching a rubber band. If you stretch a rubber band between your fingers, it lengthens. If you release the stretch after about a minute, the rubber band goes back to its original shape. This is like those therapies which hold at the barrier for only 30 - 45 seconds : all that is produced is a temporary result. The patient may feel relief for a little while, but then the feeling of that old familiar pull and pain returns.
If you stretch that same rubber band around an object like a book and leave it for several minutes, it will have lengthened when you remove it. This is what JFB MFR does: causes a permanent lengthening of the tissue. These rubber band stretching examples make it easy to see the difference resulting from holding the stretch for several minutes and to realize the differences in effectiveness is massive.
The awareness cultivated and used by JFB MFR therapist is another big difference between JFB MFR and other types of bodywork and traditional therapies. Feeling a restriction and holding the restriction at the barrier both require awareness. The barrier changes during the treatment as the fascia starts to release. You need to stay focused and centered to be able to feel the changes in the barrier, keeping at the barrier to keep the system engaged. If too much force is applied, the body starts to resist. If not enough force is applied, change occurs only in the elastic component producing only temporary results.
- Cathy Covell, PT